Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Day 15; Harvesting oranges!

Woke up in the afternoon to get oranges!
Bus trip! Reb and I!

Reached the orange farm!

Off we go! The orange trees along the long stretch of dirt path! The whole plantation was full of it! And there was a pond! This can provide fishes for the farmers!
We were told that we were able to go in any lane of the lanes plantation and start plucking oranges from any trees to eat! As well as collect oranges to bring out of the farm to eat at home!

A group of us went into a lane surrounded by trees and oranges! While walking, we saw a few of this HUGE bug on the leaves!

Us with china students!

We had fun trying out all the sour oranges! Not experienced enough to know which were the ripe ones though.

The Bs! HAHA. Something wrong with us! Guess that the oranges were too sour!
After our visit to the plantation and trying of the sour oranges, we went back to school to get ready for our BBQ!

Us walking to the BBQ area! Located just beside campus! One of the china student led us and brought us out by taking the short cut which crosses the school's supermarket! We didn't know there was a supermarket in our campus and we always walked all the way out! OMG!

The BBQ area! Looks like a campfire area! All of us gathered around, choosing which pit we wanted and settled down!

Us gathering around the BBQ pit!

The thing we used to put our food on and we are playing with it. In the meanwhile, the guys were busy starting the fire!

REB AND I AGAIN! preparing the food, adding the oil, pepper, chilli powder, soya sauce and salt! NICE!

The fire starter and chef of the day! woooo because of them, we get to eat!

All of us helping around!

While cooking, the ICT people started setting off the fireworks they bought from one of the china students! When the firework shot up and come down abit before it explodes out into million of smaller pieces, I thought it was going to fall on me because it was so near us!
Reflection; I appreciate what the China students did for us! First, they come all the way down to our hostel to plan with us on what we wanted to do, followed by them planning the trip to the orange plantation! The bbq food they bought, washed and prepared, charcoal and booking of the buses and the bbq pit were what they did themselves! 8 of them helped to organize it! How good of them! And I think they did a good job!
The plantation trip today was an enjoyable one but a lot of oranges were wasted though. Many of us plucked the oranges, tasted it and throw it on the floor because it was too sour! Some of them even start a fire to start cooking sweet potatoes! Destroying the fertile land. How can! Evil people. The plantation is the farmer's only source of income you know!

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