Woke up early in the morning as usual! Packed our bags and leave our hostel to WU DANG SHAN!

Esh & I. We have got the same bagpack! We bought it to prepare ourselves to mount Wu Dang Shan.

Went to the temple beside our hotel! Need to walk quite a number of step to the temple! Look at the mist! very cold!!! Plus it was raining!

Inside the temple, there are tea tasting!

Outside the temple, we took a photo with the tourguide

Group B! Yanmeng missing!


Write your wishes on the red thing and toss it up! the higher it land on the tree, the wish will have a higher chance of coming true!

The huge temple! and the well infront of it!

Group B again, now, Edy's missing!

Look at the mist beside my head!
so cool right! Very cold and the miss very cool!

While walking back to our hotel, we saw this shen feng thing!

This is the trishaw that will be located around wu dang shan and when u are tired, you can pay people to carry you up wu dang shan!

Our Hotel!
Reflection ; Was quite afraid to climb wu dang shan tmr! as we need to climb 6000 over steps! Moreover, we were all tired after today's travelling and temple visiting! While going up the mountain, the tourguide kept rushing us! 'Ngee Ann tong xue, quai dian! yao kuan men le!" which means, faster! it's closing!